the Spiritual Awakening Church Center we currently
have a steadily growing membership and we like to
think that our members feel a part of the Center's
family. Membership is open to everyone over the age
of 18. You do not have to become a member to attend
our Center of course. Many people come when they have
a specific need, or only like to come to Special Events.
Some people attend regularly but simply do not want
to be part of a religion.
forms for membership of the Church can
be obtained by clicking
this link, or by asking any Board member
when you come to the Center . You are required to
have attended our Center regularly over a period of
time before the Board of Directors who meet monthly
will grant the application, this is because we like
to put a face to a name on a piece of paper and also
to show your commitment to the Church and Spiritualism
in general. Once your application has been approved,
you become a Member and will be informed by letter
or email of this fact and asked to pay a membership
fee - which is currently $40.00 per year.
immediate benefits of membership of the Center is
a reduction on the entrance fee for all events which
are open to the general public. A Member can attend
the Church AGM or an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting)
and can vote on any matter arising. Voting rights
apply once Membership is gained.
added benefit to membership is the opportunity to
sign up for the classes
and courses which our center offers for
the development of spiritual growth. You can sign
for a class once you have gained Membership and shown
regular attendance as a Member for a period of time.
The reason for this 'wait' is to show commitment to
Spiritualism as a belief system and to the Church
and its work to further the knowledge of the religion.
the greatest benefit of being a member of our church
however is knowing that you are part of a community,
a family, who care about you and look upon you as
a friend. When people enter our Center they often
comment that they feel they have "come home". Being
a member really means you have.